首席礼宾员是一群学会了如何用手指武装自己的专家。这是只有他们能做的技巧。 这是一种头部按压穴位技术,称为深层肌肉法,可让您进入极致的睡眠。 睡个好觉可以促进健康和美丽。它具有多种功效,例如 “缓解失眠”、“改善肩部僵硬”、“从眼疲劳中恢复” 和 “抗衰老”。 尽情享受超越放松的终极头部水疗服务。
使用温热的护理面膜按摩头部、颈部、肩部、背部和肩部。 洗发时,松开头皮,接近头部僵硬的状态。 *即使因延迟抵达而更改课程,也不会接受退款。请事先注意。
我们将选择适合客户并改善他们担忧的洗发水和护理产品。此外,使用您最喜欢的香气进行按摩,同时增强放松效果。 4次头部水疗护理可缓解头部僵硬,并彻底按摩颈部、肩部、背部和肩部。 最后,它会排出淋巴液以改善全身的血液流动。 *即使因延迟抵达而更改课程,也不会接受退款。请提前注意。
用精油彻底按摩头部、颈部、肩部和背部。它还可以通过缓慢松肩部来缓解肿胀。 此外,您可以根据自己的疲劳程度从多个菜单中对其进行自定义,例如眼部按摩、减脸提拉水疗和足浴磨砂膏。 非常适合从全身疲劳中恢复。 *即使因延迟抵达而更改课程,也不会接受退款。请提前注意。
如果你在洗发时做按摩以缓解头部僵硬,你将小睡 10 到 15 分钟。 *即使因延迟抵达而更改课程,也不会接受退款。请事先注意。
I have experienced head spas at beauty salons, but this was something completely different. My whole body was tired and I had insomnia, but I was able to have a comfortable sleep. After the treatment, I was surprised to find that my whole body felt lighter and my vision was clearer. I was able to choose the aroma and shampoo to my liking, which made me feel relaxed from start to finish. The room was private, and I felt luxurious in my own private space. The staff is highly skilled and I would definitely use them again.
The sensation and feeling from the neck up was gone and I was unconsciously falling asleep. I recept, and then the therapist took me to a dark and relaxing private room. There I was given a counseling session and a brief explanation of the menu. After that The room was dark and mystical music was playing, and the room temperature was moderate enough to diminish the human senses. I had stiff shoulders, so the therapist worked on my head, neck, and shoulders in turn. At first, the warm sensation on my head and the massage felt good, but gradually my consciousness naturally faded away and I entered a state of Zen. When it was over, my shoulders and neck relaxed and I felt lighter. I don't usually get esthetic treatments, but I will definitely repeat this experience.
一家真正的头部水疗专卖店,一群具有国家资格的专家可以带来 “终极睡眠”