“Hilot Tokyo” offers the best relaxation experience where you can truly relax. Our salon aims to fix disorders in the autonomic nervous system and restore energy from within. It responds to various disorders such as fatigue, coldness, insomnia, irritability, and stress, and provides deep relaxation. Our specialty Filipino oil massages and foot massages have high relaxation effects, and many customers are invited to sleep. It removes fatigue from the whole body with just the right amount of pressure and a comfortable rhythm, and responds to concerns such as “not being able to get rid of fatigue,” “falling asleep quickly,” and “being frustrated.” Our salon is easily accessible from the tourist attraction “TOKYO SKYTREE,” making it an easy environment to drop by in between trips. Please heal your tired body from sightseeing and recharge your energy for a new trip.
Dry head massage (30 minutes): Promotes good sleep, reduces eye strain, and can be expected to have a relaxing effect. Foot massage (60 minutes): Gently massage the bottom of the foot to below the knee with oil to remove fatigue. Please choose from the following same-day foot massages. You can choose between dagdaggai (massage to promote lymphatic and blood flow using Filipino bamboo sticks) or hand massage (relaxation massage with soothing procedures). *You can add your favorite essential oil as an option. Please add options when booking.
Dry Head Massage (60 minutes): A massage involving the head, arms, shoulders, and décolletage that effectively relieves restful sleep, eye strain, and neck and shoulder fatigue. Foot massage (60 minutes): Gently massage the bottom of the foot to below the knee with oil to remove fatigue. Please choose from the following same-day foot massages. You can choose between dagdaggai (massage to promote lymphatic and blood flow using Filipino bamboo sticks) or hand massage (relaxation massage with soothing procedures). *You can add your favorite essential oil as an option. Please add options when booking.
Focus on massaging the back and 1 tired area, and moisturize the skin with the moisturizing effects of coconut oil. *You can add your favorite essential oil as an option. Please add options when booking.
Thoroughly cares for the back and 2 tired areas, and moisturizes the skin with the moisturizing effects of coconut oil. *You can add your favorite essential oil as an option. Please add options when booking.
Carefully massage the area from the bottom of the foot to below the knee with oil to enhance the relaxation effect. Please choose from the following same-day foot massages. You can choose between dagdaggai (massage to promote lymphatic and blood flow using Filipino bamboo sticks) or hand massage (relaxation massage with soothing procedures). *You can add your favorite essential oil as an option. Please add options when booking.
Therapists blend high-quality essential oils that are effective against autonomic disorders. You can optionally add it to the foot menu.
店内はアジアンテイストで落ち着いた雰囲気なので終始リラックスできる空間です。 ほどよい力加減とリズムで、丁寧に全身をほぐしてもらいいつの間にか熟睡していました。 セラピストさんの高い技術力、合間にホットタオルで温めてくださったり、とてもホスピタリティが高いです。帰りには重かった身体がとても楽になっていました。 また、こちらサロンの特長の「薬膳」ドリンクは最初と最後にいただけます。味はとても美味く、ひとつひとつ効果も違い、こだわりが詰まっています。 「薬膳」のイメージが変わりました!今回2種類購入したので、楽しみです。 The store's Asian taste and calm atmosphere made me feel relaxed from start to finish. The therapist carefully relaxed my entire body with just the right amount of force and rhythm, and before I knew it, I was sound asleep. The therapist was highly skilled and warmed me with hot towels in between treatments. My body, which had been heavy, felt so much easier on the way home. Also, the salon gives me a special "yakuzen" drink at the beginning and the end of the treatment. The taste is very delicious, and each drink has a different benefit. The image of "yakuzen" has changed ! There are several kinds of drinks, and if you like one, you can purchase it. I purchased two kinds this time, so I am looking forward to them.
I requested a head massage due to the tension in my neck and shoulders, coupled with a severe headache. The consultation was very thorough, making me feel at ease as my concerns and issues were attentively listened to. Following the treatment, my entire body felt rejuvenated, and I felt significantly better than before. I'm grateful to have found a place where I can receive healing. I will definitely be returning.
We provide “healing” and “results” in your own private space. Have a special time just for you at K+.
Why don't you experience luxurious relaxation in a completely private women-only salon limited to 2 people per day? We offer exclusive hot stone and deep tissue treatments.
A “full acupuncture salon” that seeks beauty with “unique” skills and experience
A salon that is gentle on the hair and scalp and fosters beauty. An organic beauty salon that is kind to the earth.
The esthetic salon “PrivateSalon inami,” which is recommended for tourists visiting Tokyo, specializes in body making that brings out your natural healthy beauty.