Beauty comes from health, and physical ailments affect surfaces such as the face. Due to our experienced body specialists and knowledge in the professional field, the staff of Re: Treat Hari has a high ability to visualize the nature of the disease. Therefore, we can improve your health problems by examining your structure from blood flow and internal organ functions. We examine the state of internal organs that you yourself cannot understand and touch on the main causes. By preparing the inner body and improving the physique, you will bring healthy beauty.
A course focused on facial treatment We will identify the cause of your problem by treating your physical condition through abdominal pain, and then perform a cosmetic acupuncture on your neck and scalp. Furrows, acupuncture in the arms, tension in the neck, posture and stiffness. In addition, problems around the face are often treated by poor blood circulation in the neck, so intensive blood circulation in the neck can also improve facial problems.
Abdominal pain and pulse intensity provide a more accurate understanding of your body's condition and address your abdominal symptoms the body. Cosmetic acupuncture removes the dermal layer, leading to beautiful skin. Combined with a carbonated head massage, it penetrates blood circulation around the face, nourishes skin tone and intensely moisturizes. Acupuncture on the Body: The Immune System and Adjusts the Functions of the Autonomous Nervous System and Internal Disorders. In addition, improved blood circulation due to coldness, muscle tension, and aims to recover from fatigue.
E ADD EMS AND OIL HYDRATION TO THE FULL BODY TREATMENT OF THE RE:TURN COURSE TO IMPROVE YOUR OCCURSE. By using oil treatment to wash away the areas where blood circulation has improved with acupuncture, we aim to further improve blood flow, remove waste products, and improve fatigue and Coldness. With EMS, you can expect a significant tightening effect by moving deep tension that you don't want to touch. In addition, by cosmetic acupuncture, we aim to address sagging skin due to muscle inflammation and lift it up. Also, by moving the facial tension, the parasympathetic nervous system is dominant, and affects the relaxing effect.
Why don't you experience luxurious relaxation in a completely private women-only salon limited to 2 people per day? We offer exclusive hot stone and deep tissue treatments.
A 3-minute walk from Hikifune Station in Tokyo! A salon where you can relax and lift up your face.
The esthetic salon “PrivateSalon inami,” which is recommended for tourists visiting Tokyo, specializes in body making that brings out your natural healthy beauty.
When you visit Tokyo, why don't you experience changing skin at the Zipangue Esthetic Room?
Kanda, Awaji, and Akihabara are also within walking distance! Good access! Talented salons attended by professional beauticians and therapists